Samsung's mysterious chip revealed

The distress among Samsung users increases day by day. Yesterday it was the security issue with Swift key pad and today comes the issue of mysterious chip that is embedded behind the wrapped cover of the battery.

Tons of queries reached our mail and fan page about this issue. Now we came out with an answer.
Getting into past, a facebook post has outraged the fears of Samsung users. The post tells that there is a secret micro chip which is embedded behind the wrapped cover of the battery. It is a mechanism by which the government can have an eye on you. Technically it is used to spy on you. On seeing this many users began to unwrap their battery covers to remove the chip.
Under our observations we understood that it is not a surveillance chip but instead a NFC chip.

Usually these chips are fixed under the battery covers. The users who are ignorant in the view of technology mistook this chip as a surveillance chip.
So we advice not to play with your batteries as they might explode :-)
Image courtesy : Google Images

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